Friday, 13 September 2013

If I Was To Make A Movie Trailer I Would...

I can honestly say I am still torn at the moment about the type of movie trailer I would like to make if that is what I was to choose to do for my coursework. At the moment however, I am more torn to shooting a Horror film trailer for many reasons. Firstly, I think because it is SO conventional that it will be the easiest to set-up for shooting - I won't need many actors, eerie music can be placed over the top if people are worried about speaking in the film, and most people are likely to be caked in costume make-up anyway that they shouldn't worry about being filmed either. Also, the final editing will be quite easy to conduct as it will mostly feature many spooky sound effects and mood music over the top that I won't have to worry about editing conversations. The colour scheme associated with horrors are dark or black and white - film trailers won't typically be all in black and white so I can at least edit some shots into black and white and the rest reduce the brightness to set the tone. My only other worry for this coursework task is having to come up with the storyline. Essentially for a film trailer, the plot for the entire story has to be thought about as it won't just feature the first 5 minutes - this won't sell the film as viewers won't know what to expect. However, like stated before, horror movies are so conventional that most plots are very similar for this genre, meaning that it won't take me long to think of a plot for my trailer. However, I feel like horror film trailers are so commonly picked for media coursework pieces that it will be hard coming up with something that will set mine aside from everyone else's and make mine better. With that in mind I am also leaning towards a mixture of a sci-fi/fantasy/supernatural trailer as this is also a highly conventional film genre, and it is unlikely that many other people will choose this genre, or do it well. But again, this may mean that I have to supply more costumes as characters in these genre films look a very specific way, which could cost me money or take me a while to find something that is suitable. With my sci-fi/fantasy idea, I have some friends who could possibly help with the make-up and props, but this could require a lot of special effects which may not be replicable by me.

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